Website Credits
Logos: Antónia Monteiro. Also Riddhi Deshmukh.
Homepage sliders: (1) Wing Colour Patterns of Butterflies and Moths: Riddhi Deshmukh, (2) Sensory Ecology: Bhavya Dharmaraaj, (3) Tropical Butterflies: Krushnamegh Kunte.
Website design and management: SkyLabs, and Krushnamegh Kunte.
We thank the following people for generously contributing images. To see specific image credits, right-click on an image and select "View Image Info":
Hemant Ogale Krushnamegh Kunte |
Milind Bhakare Bhavya Dharmaraaj |
Rohan Lovalekar Tarun Karmakar |
Deepa Agashe Gaurav Agavekar |
Riddhi Deshmukh |