Call for Symposia
The Call for Symposia is now open!
We invite proposals for thematic sessions (symposia) on all aspects of biology of butterflies, from taxonomy, through ecology, evolution and conservation, up to genetics and molecular biology.
The deadline for submitting proposals for symposia has been extended!
Proposals must be submitted by midnight (23:59 CET), 20th January 2023 by email ( Please follow the template for proposals (download here).
Title of the symposium/session (short and concise, please avoid long sentences, or too technical details and field-related jargon)
Symposium chairs' full names, e-mail addresses and affiliations (each symposium can be organized by up to 2 people).
A short abstract (up to 300 words) describing the content and purpose of the symposium. If your symposium is accepted, this paragraph will appear in the program issue at the top of the session. This paragraph will be also available for all potential participants of the conference, to allow them selection of the appropriate symposium for their contributions.
Full names and affiliations of the confirmed symposium participants, and the preliminary titles of their talks. Each submitted proposed symposium must contain at least 4 talks, additional talks and posters will be selected (in collaboration with the symposium organisers) from all abstracts submitted through the standard submission. Please note that acceptance of the symposium proposal does not guarantee acceptance of the individual contributions as talks, as the individual abstracts are subject to the same review and submission deadlines as are all other abstracts. If the symposium proposal is accepted, abstracts of its contributions will be submitted with all other abstracts, considering the same deadlines (see below).
When preparing the program of your symposium, we suggest considering the diversity of presenters, such as how they offer a balanced representation of the topic, institutional affiliation, career stage, ethnicity, and gender.
To submit a symposium proposal, please use the template: (download here).